Tag: kerry trautman

Kerry Trautman reviews Danny Shot’s Night Bird Flying

“It’s been said of my people, the Jews, that we are endlessly fascinated by all things concerning the Jews. It’s that way with me. I am forever fascinated by all things concerning me.” This, from the story “What a Wonderful World,” hints at a hubris that does not, in fact, ever rear its head in …

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Excerpt from Unknowable Things by Kerry Trautman

Because, Brian I liked you at first, because your dad fixed a flat on my mom’s Pontiac in his robe, and because of your black jelly bean eyes and big-toothed laugh, and because you almost almost rubbed my thigh. But I bought off-the-shoulder homecoming velvet for someone else, because of your seaweed smell, because of …

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Review by Adrian Lime: Unknowable Things by Kerry Trautman

Kerry Trautman has a gift for shimmying away the veneer of seemingly simple moments to expose the depth and beauty of what lies beneath, the complexities and hidden passions. Unknowable Things celebrates the common and the spectacular on equal terms. “And so the poem starts as many others— at the kitchen sink, as peaches drip …

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Review by Sandra Feen: Unknowable Things by Kerry Trautman

                Unknowable Things is an evocative language feast where sensory imagery is omnipresent. We see this throughout Kerry Trautman’s masterful collection, from the accessible first lines of her opening poem, “Drop,” He closed the screen door, stepped/into rain that smelled like worms to the engaging first lines of …

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New Acquisition! Kerry Trautman’s full-length work of poetry

Roadside Press is pleased to announce the recent acquisition of Kerry Trautman’s full-length work of poetry, currently untitled. Release date to be announced soon! Ohio born and raised, Kerry Trautman is a founder of ToledoPoet.com and the “Toledo Poetry Museum” page on Facebook, which promote Northwest Ohio poetry. Her work has appeared in dozens of anthologies …

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