New Acquisition! Nancy Patrice Davenport’s ‘Smoked Glass’

Roadside Press is pleased to announce our acquisition of Nancy Patrice Davenport’s full-length work of poetry tentatively entitled Smoked Glass.

Nancy Patrice Davenport is a native of the San Francisco Bay Area.  She lives in San Mateo with three cats.

Nancy’s poems are widely published in various journals and anthologies, and have been translated into many different languages.  Nancy’s “JUNE 2 RETROGRADE MINDFULNESS” poem was nominated for the 2016 Best of Net.

Nancy’s first chapbook, LA BRIZNA, was published in 2014 by Bookgirl Press.  A full-length book of poems, SMOKING IN MOM’S GARAGE, was published in 2018 by Red Alice Press.

Author photo by Zoe Christopher.



    • Stephen Cole on June 15, 2022 at 1:01 am

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