New Acquisition! Westley Heine’s ‘Busking Blues: Recollections of a Chicago Street Musician and Squatter.’


Roadside Press is pleased to announce our acquisition of Westley Heine’s novel, Busking Blues: Recollections of a Chicago Street Musician and Squatter. We are ever so happy about this news and look forward to telling you more about this forthcoming title SOON. Please join us in congratulating Wes!

Westley Heine is the author of 12 Chicago Cabbies and The Trail of Quetzalcoatl. His poetry and prose have been published in The Chicago Reader, Gravitas, Heroin Love Songs, Beatdom, Dumpster Fire Press, Gasconade, and The Wellington Street Review among others. He’s been a taxi dispatcher, a roadie, a deliveryman, a squatter, a street musician, a grocery clerk, a chambermaid, a novelist, a painter, a metal head, a Boy Scout, an insurance investigator, a jailbird, a farmhand, sold tickets to the symphony, sold plasma, been unemployed, and been a filmmaker. Life is always creating new characters inside him, but always a writer. He grew up in Wisconsin, was lost and found in Chicago, married in Texas, and now resides in Los Angeles. Let in the light. Let out the fire. Instagram: @westleyheine