Tag: ryan quinn flanagan

3 poems from THESE MANY COLD WINTERS OF THE HEART by Ryan Quinn Flanagan

Demi-glace Gods Nothing worse than being sauced for other sauces, demi-glace gods spooning out all the simmering half-baked worship at discount prices and they say a dog and its human grow to look more like each other as the years go on, the same is true of writers and their writing which does not bode …

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Susan Ward Mickelberry reviews: These Many Cold Winters of the Heart by Ryan Quinn Flanagan

Ryan Quinn Flanagan’s These Many Cold Winters of the Heart begins with an epigraph from Emily Dickinson “I am out with lanterns looking for myself,” a perfect depiction of this collection. You will be riveted from the opening poem, “I Grew Up in a Brewery Town,” where the Molson plant closes down but “people survived, they usually …

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Review by Alan Catlin: Kiss the Heathens by Ryan Quinn Flanagan

review first published in misfitmagazine.net, Issue No. 37, Winter 2024 Ryan Quinn Flanagan, Kiss the Heathens, Roadside Press, available from www.magicaljeep.com 2023, 230 pages $20 Make no mistake about it, Kiss the Heathens, is a big ass book and true to its size and nature, it delivers the goods by taking names and seriously kicking …

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